Outcome 1.3 Teaching approaches & environments

This post is an attempt to illustrate and show the things I value about teaching young children.  Using pictures to provide inspiration and examples of the environments and approaches I would use.

The Third Teacher 
(Reggio Emilia)

We went to the park.
It was a glorious day.
Water and rocks and sticks were all the kids needed 
Up high with long sticks - how far down?
Across with long sticks - how far across?
Learning together, shared decision-making with children and their families as well as peers and connection to community all shape my teaching approaches.

Negotiating - sharing ideas -working together - building understanding 
Being supported to experience the world first hand teaches children about the world  
Finding shapes and patterns in everyday things - noticing them myself and sharing my curiosity and interest with children ignites curiosity and interest in them.  

We share the learning.

Primary caregiving or play spaces offer the opportunity for children to experience emotional predictability and availability

Sustainability for all children.
Developing awareness and concern for the world around them.
#global citizenship #baby

[Play in natural environments] fulfils basic childhood needs of freedom, adventure and risk-taking" (Greenman, 1993) 


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