Outcome 1.1 What does it mean to be literate in the 21st Century?

This video gives an excellent explanation of what it means to be literate. The context given is that of the 21st century.  Automatically we might assume then that literacy for the 21st century is all about ICT.  While educators in the video describe the technological advances made and the opportunity this gives younger learners to be the teachers and learning to become more of a partnership it also gives a much broader view.

As an educator understanding and learning about contexts is critical.  
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory provides a way of explaining the breadth of the contexts and the interplay between them.  
 The theory offers a framework within which to reflect and explore practice but nothing can replace relationships, partnerships and listening to individual children and their families.  This quite from Louis Malaguzzi describes perfectly how relationships and learning cannot be separated.  Evidence would suggest that the teaching of literacy and numeracy is more effective when embedded in the the pedagogy of relationships.  Being able to notice and listen carefully to children's interests and theories and use these to plan challenging, creative learning opportunities is based on this.  As is the relationships and learning that occurs between children and with children. 


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