Outcome 3.3 Strengths & Limits

Observing and offering literacy and numeracy to children under 4 

An example

Wed 4th Sept 2.30pm

Sitting at my desk I heard loud screaming.  I often hear the sounds of children playing but this screaming and screeching was louder and sounded different from the usual play.
I went outside to see what was happening.  Looking towards the yard I saw a group of 8-10 children huddled at the fence pointing and screaming.  As I approached more children and another educator joined the group. 
I said  “Goodness what is happening? It’s very loud.  I sound’s like there might be some trouble? “
All the children screamed and pointed back down the yard.  I listened and looked but couldn’t see anything.
I squatted down to ask the most animated child about the excitement.  “A rabbit. A rabbit! Its there in the bushes.  The black one.  He went there.”  All the children continued to point me in the direction of the rabbit in the bushes.

“Where ?” I asked “ I cant see a rabbit in the bushes!” 
They were adamant
 I walked to where they were pointing and asked “ Under here?” No rabbit
They kept pointing and I kept asking
“over here?”
“A bit further?”
 “in here?”
“ all the way down here?”
“up the tree?”
“under the fence?”
I searched and searched but found no rabbit!!
“I can t find it “ “Are you trying to trick me?” 
“NOOOO” the all yelled and continued to try and point me in the direction of the lost rabbit.  I searched for about 10 minutes trying to follow their directions but we didn’t find the rabbit.

This is a mapping example of what could happen as a result of the experience and observation

Being aware of my strengths and limits and seeking feedback both formally and informally is 

  Strengths; experience, knowledge, commitment, passion, communication, ability to share information with others to support understanding, critical reflection, courageous, curiosity, learning orientation, professionalism, relationships, humour, high level of study/qualifications, social justice

Limits; age, physical capacity, focus on relational aspects of learning rather than cognitive, disorganised, easily distracted, low value of numerical learning, whiteness, cultural competency, 

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